Jul 24

Solemn Warning

Shortly before the Roman General, Titus, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, the Jews who had turned from Judaism to Christianity were undergoing intense pressure and persecution. They were denied their normal rights as citizens, professionals or artisans.

In some cases, they were beaten and dispossessed of their property. This made them wonder if they had not made a grievous mistake in accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.

When this suffering hit them in the early days of their conversion, they remained faithful. But now, doubts and loss of faith began to creep in as the public ridicule, torments and affliction intensified. These Hebrew Christians began to question if the old order was not better after all.

But the inspired writer of the book of Hebrews insists that Christianity is superior to Judaism. He tells the Hebrew Christians that in every way, Jesus Christ is better and greater than angels, Moses and the Old Testament priests.


HEBREWS 10:19-28 comforts and reassures believers that whatsoever they have lost here on earth as a result of their steadfast stand for Christ, they would get in return for more precious assets in heaven when the Lord would take them home to enjoy indescribable joy forever.

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)” (Hebrews 10:23).

As the day of the Lord is fast approaching with increasing signs, we must constantly identify with God’s children and “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Stick to Christ in unwavering faith to escape eternal crisis.


***Share your thoughts and what you’ve just learnt in the comments section below. DON’T FORGET TO SHARE


Apr 28

The Servanthood And The Apostleship Of Appointed Ministers


Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ…” Paul the apostle introduced himself both as a servant and an apostle. Formerly a blasphemer, an injurious person, a persecutor and chief of sinners whose sole aim was to destroy the churches, he heard the voice of the Lord on his way to Damascus to persecute the church there and became converted.


His conversion was significant in the Kingdom because he laboured much among the Gentile nations and raised other ministers for the Lord.


Genuine conversion will lead to true commitment.


Paul’s uncompromising conviction, his untiring commitment to God and the glorious gospel was an undeniable evidence of his conversion. Called and commissioned to preach the gospel he once opposed, he laboured more abundantly than those who were apostles before him.


Paul introduced himself as “a servant of God”. The word “servant” means a bond slave.

As a highly educated Jewish scholar, he knew that a servant or bond slave was the most servile person who willingly submitted to the will and rule of his master.

Paul accepted the authority and leadership above him. Now, he was a willing servant unto God. This means that he had no life of his own; he had no will of his own; he had no plan of his own; he had no purpose of his own.


Every thought, plan, act or relationship was subject to and under the control of his Master.

True believers have been bought with a price and are bond slaves of God. Paul the apostle also described himself as “an apostle of Jesus Christ”.

An apostle is a special messenger sent by a master of greater, divine authority with a specific message that can neither be changed nor modified.

The message or service appointed by the king was always greater than the life, security and convenience of his servants.

The apostles were aware of the compelling authority of the message entrusted to them to deliver to the world and to the Church.

Necessity was laid upon them to be committed and faithful to God even when they were hated and persecuted by the world.


Paul’s commitment and submission to the Lord was absolute, not gradual. Our commitment, devotion and dedication to the Lord must also be absolute.

Titus 1:1; 1 Corinthians 6:19,20; Exodus 21:2-6; Galatians 6:14-17; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:1,10.

Apr 05

He Died That We Might Live!

Calvary Greetings Friends!
I just prepared this short piece to celebrate the joy of the season….What greater joy – That a man gave His life for you and I to live.

Let’s look briefly the first few verses in the book of Mark chapter 15. We understand here that life generally is filled with battles of envy and pull him down acts.


In our life’s we’ve had friends and relatives who are bent on pulling us down, like our saviour Jesus Christ they consulted and counciled against Him. He was bound and delivered to Pilate for no just cause (vs1)


What we must note is that as a believer we are bound to be confronted with baseless accusations, just to try our faith in God – like Jesus in verse 2-4 he answered nothing.


They rather prefer Barabbas a murderer in place of our saviour – vs 7


Our Lord was crucified unjustly so that you and I can have life in abundance… He swallowed death in victory.

Wheresoever you are reading this article from, I want to assure you that God is still in the business of changing lives and destinies. But you owe Him one thing – SALVATION


Salvation/holiness without which no man can see the Lord. Except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Just know friend, that Jesus loves you and I – He dead that we might have life in abundance.


Thanks for reading…. Kindly share, if pressed to do so!