Calvary Greetings Friends!
I just prepared this short piece to celebrate the joy of the season….What greater joy – That a man gave His life for you and I to live.
Let’s look briefly the first few verses in the book of Mark chapter 15. We understand here that life generally is filled with battles of envy and pull him down acts.
In our life’s we’ve had friends and relatives who are bent on pulling us down, like our saviour Jesus Christ they consulted and counciled against Him. He was bound and delivered to Pilate for no just cause (vs1)
What we must note is that as a believer we are bound to be confronted with baseless accusations, just to try our faith in God – like Jesus in verse 2-4 he answered nothing.
They rather prefer Barabbas a murderer in place of our saviour – vs 7
Our Lord was crucified unjustly so that you and I can have life in abundance… He swallowed death in victory.
Wheresoever you are reading this article from, I want to assure you that God is still in the business of changing lives and destinies. But you owe Him one thing – SALVATION
Salvation/holiness without which no man can see the Lord. Except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Just know friend, that Jesus loves you and I – He dead that we might have life in abundance.
Thanks for reading…. Kindly share, if pressed to do so!