Your Faith Can End Any Famine

We shall draw our teachings from the book 1 Kings 17:8-14


As a believer, our decision to obey the Lords command on several occasions thus bring us blessings. Not just us alone including the people around us or that came in contact with us. Since the Lord commanded Elijah to arise and go to Zarephath…The Lord said He had commanded a widow woman there to sustain him.


The lesson learnt there is “Elijah’s obedience to God, the widow of Zarephath faith to give her last morsel of bread” led to the end of famine and scarcity in her life. In most cases we must take that limp of faith, cos that is what God requires of us – To release our hanging desires.


On most occasions we as Christians fail to put our faith to work…. The good Lord said “Stop looking for me to do what I promised to do. But do what I command you to do. I found out that, our obedience to God thus leads to His release of abundance to us in time of famine and stagnation.


  • Everything commanded by the Lord happens with signs following
  • God speaks according to His unlimited resources and not minding our present circumstances.
  • God speaks according to His integrity


Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentations 3:37


Our faith indeed is our master key to the world of unlimited possibilities….. May God give us the grace to put our faith to good works.

My prayer is for God to turn all forms of trials into testimony for you today and evermore. And the grace for us to partake of His divine nature.


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