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Moderate Drinker Or Alcoholic? Many Americans Fall In Between : The Salt : NPR

Naltrexone taken as-needed, rather than daily, can help reduce binge drinking for people with alcohol use disorder, according to new research. Alcohol as an intoxicant affects a wide range of structures and processes in the central nervous system and increases the risk for intentional and unintentional injuries and adverse social consequences. Alcohol has considerable toxic effects on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Alcoholic beverages are classified as carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and increase the risk of several cancer types.

69.5% reported they drank alcohol in the past year, and 54.9% reported they drank within the last month. Adolescents are also likely to binge drink, which can lead to serious consequences, including injury and death. Mutual-support groups teach you tactics to help you overcome your compulsion to drink alcohol. AA is a 12-step program that provides peer support and applies 12 spirituality-based principles.

Alcohol Use Disorder: 8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Attending a Holiday Party

If you’ve ever had to nurse a hangover, nausea and vomiting are commonly part and parcel of the ordeal. While throwing up can make you feel miserable, it is one of your body’s self-defense mechanisms to remove excess toxins from the alcohol consumed. Additionally, heavy drinkers usually get most of their calories from alcohol. The problem is that alcohol is a wellspring of empty calories—which are calories with minimal nutritional value. Hence, consuming alcohol as your primary source of fuel will lead to poor nutrition and weight loss.

In addition those who are not dependent may be candidates for other clinical interventions, including screening and counseling offered by doctors and other health professionals. Excessive drinking or an alcohol use disorder can be successfully managed with treatments, such as therapy and medication, to help you to modify your behaviors and help your brain adapt to the absence of alcohol. In many organs, the effects of alcohol increase over time, and the damage becomes apparent only after years of abuse. Chronic heavy drinking can cause alcoholic hepatitis, which is the inflammation of your liver. One common sign of alcoholic hepatitis is jaundice, where the skin and whites of your eyes look yellowish.

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It affects your body, your emotions, your reasoning, your motivation, and nearly every other aspect of what makes you, well, you. As a result, this disease (and it really is a disease) can take its toll on nearly every facet of your life. School, work, family life, friends, and even personal health all tend to take a backseat when addiction is concerned.

The U.S. government, however, defines and recommends levels of alcohol consumption that have been found to generally carry only low to moderate risk for the general population. It is never recommended that individuals who do not drink alcohol begin to drink alcohol based on these guidelines. Women should be aware that even moderate drinking may increase the risk of breast cancer. Just like any other substance addiction, alcoholism is all-encompassing.

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