Man has displayed so much ingenuity in his creative ability over the years. From the beautiful works of Arts, to sometimes astonishing scientific and technological inventions, man has fully explored the creative ability with which he was endowed.
These scientific breakthroughs have been designed to serve man, advance his course and make life better and easier for him. There are a few things to note here.
No time has man’s invention risen to challenge or question his claim and authority over it. When his invention fails to function the way it was intended, it often leads to chaos, calamity and catastrophe.
“Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters” (Job 33:13).
Elihu, in our passage, wonders why man struggles against his Maker and questions His sovereignty. God is the Creator. He made man for His purpose.
Though man was not made a robot (a machine without a mind and a will of his own), for him to be able to attain to his best and enjoy all the provisions of God, he has to follow God’s laid down principles.
Unfortunately, man has, over the years, rebelled against God, challenging His sovereignty and questioning His authority. No wonder our world is in disorder! No wonder there is chaos, calamity and catastrophe. No wonder we look for peace and behold we get confusion, insecurity and apprehension.
Man has malfunctioned, questioning God’s authority, striving against His will in our lives and living in disobedience to His word.
The simple remedy is for man to retrace his steps back to God through repentance from sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the only time we can know peace.
Thought for the day: Sin is a malfunction in man and will only result in disaster.
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